My Aunt gave me a challenge this week to write her a poem
about childhood, and after writing my blog on love – which managed to
depress me deeply for the whole weekend (!) – I very much enjoyed writing this
poem. It made me think how fleeting
childhood is especially watching my son grow up who is now a very tall 14 years
old with enormous feet! Not sure what I
am feeding him ……
So with a whimsical smile all the time I wrote my poem,
feeling the happy memories of childhood come back where just climbing a tree
brought such pleasure and those feeling of excitement that used well up and up in
me till I thought I would explode! Of
course not all of childhood was great with those mixed up feelings as you the approach
teenage years and the beginnings of pressure and responsibility but on the
whole I think most of us would like to have a little time of being a child
again. It’s still there, some of those
feelings of childhood – I still love playing card games, I love spending time
with nature and dipping my toes in the sea and much much more. I have loved being a mother living some of my
childhood through my son as he was growing up. In fact I very much miss those years now and
wish I had had more children.
For many years now it has been hard to find the child inside
me, and only had snatches of it. Being blighted
with fear, depression and illness has brought with it many burdens of adult
responsibility and angst and also in many ways made my son grow up quicker in
some areas than he should have done.
I had a happy childhood and feel honoured to have had one
like this because many people have not had happy childhoods and maybe only
fleeting memories and glimpses, and the pressures of living in this world today
means that the nature of childhood has also changed with what I feel has been a
loss of innocence. But then the nature
of childhood is always evolving and changing across different cultures, through
the ages and due to poverty, wealth and affluence.
In fact when I come to think of it many of my childhood
traits have stayed with me – I find it easy to approach and meet people but
hard to maintain meaningful friendships (although this has go easier as I have
got older and funnily enough improved since I have had cancer!). I know many people who still have some of
their childhood traits and usually it is not the better ones - probably because
the negative kind of childish behaviour is more noticeable!
More importantly to me now, again since having cancer, is to
try and capture some of those childhood feelings of being carefree, taking the time
out to experience some of the more simple pleasures, to be more spontaneous, to
feel the excitement of life and express the feelings of pure joy and to freely
laugh – doing more things that I enjoy and sharing more things that my son
enjoys. With life being full of worry over the last few years my son has missed
out on having a mother who enjoyed those years of his childhood and, although
the things he enjoys now are different, I don’t want to pass this by much
longer before it’s too late because soon he will grow more and I may have to
wait until I have grandchildren to be able to see through a child’s eyes again –
and that could be a long wait!
Having cancer can be liberating in many ways because you do
re-evaluate your life priorities, and although I am not at full strength yet
and have days when I still don’t feel well despite treatment now well over
three months ago, I have now have the freedom both inside and out to feel that
I can once again explore the pursuit of happiness and find more of that child
So here is the poem
So here is the poem
Have you ever ….
Have you ever cycled down a steep steep hill feet off the
pedals wind in your hair, and danced in wild abandon in the pouring rain? Have
you ever skipped through a sun beamed meadow without a care in the world, on
lush green grass making daisy chains?
Have you ever bounced
and bounced as high as you can a springing jumping bean turning and spinning till
dizzy? Have you ever smelt the air of
candy floss, and felt the trepidation of rides all whirly and whizzy?
Have ever been frightened of monsters in your wardrobe dived
under the covers quivering with torch in hand, escaping the menace of shadowy shadows
startling at every creaky sound - barricaded by teddies taking a stand?
Have you ever walked on your hands, stood on your head, did
rolly pollies or cartwheels down the hill, bent like a crab, or leapt on your
bed until the springs creaked or just tried to see how long you could stay still.
Have your ever sat in a box and whiled away your time - it’s a house, it’s a car, it’s a boat a plane high in the sky? Have you ever
been a super hero saving the world, a gun totting cowboy an Indian, a princess a spy?
Have you ever had an invisible friend, a language all of
your own, felt surrounded by others but left out of the a group in isolation,
the delusion of inclusion, breaking and
making friends without hesitation?
Have you ever been tallest, the smallest the strongest the
weakest the fastest and ran a race just to take part? Dribbled and kicked, hula hooped, skated, arm
wrestled, knuckled, hopped skipped and jumped just for a lark.
Have you ever had scraped bloody knees, fell out of a tree,
been muddy from head to toe? Have you
ever skimmed stones on a shimmering pond, splashed in puddles, swung high in
the air and slipped down a slippery slope going with the flow?
Have you ever had a loving squashy bear hug, a sloppy wet kiss, played
hide and seek, pleasure from just holding hands? Have you ever had wide toothless
grin, wriggly giggles from tickly tickles been patted on the head, and pinched
on the cheek?
Have you ever been in your own fairy tale, in magic just
trusted and believed? Scared of Snow
White’s wicked evil witch, had eyes as
big as saucers in awe and wonder and
that sinking feeling when you have been deceived?
Have you ever been an angel, shepherd or donkey, acted, sang
out tune and wobbled on a stage, shouted “oh no it isn’t “ or “ look behind you”, cheered and booed and clapped till it hurt, or couldn’t wait to turn a page?
Have you ever been trekking blackberry picking, stealthily stole
apples from a tree, built a secret camp out of twigs and branches, or dug a
hole in the sand? Have your ever warmed
your hands by a crackling fire, sat on the beach starring out to sea trying to
Have you ever felt the thrill of a dark night under canvas,
staring into the heavens, looking up at a starry night sky and the man in the moon? Stayed up to late planning midnight feasts, thrill of not going
to bed being up with the freshness of dawn.
Have you ever had a petulant frown, tantrums before bedtime and
felt that life just isn’t fair; been selfish for your own gratification, just
wanting attention, stamped your feet in pure frustration and sulked in a corner
with a glare?
Have you ever been so excited just by anticipation of a
special occasion, questioning and questing till the answer you get? Have you ever longed and yearned for time off
from study then bored in the hot summer days ahead and adventures never met?
Have you been boastful of achieving and hid about failing being wrong
and said you were right? Cried on stair listening to murmured conversation,
been sent to your room in quiet isolation, moaning and wailing about your
Have you ever sucked ice-cream
from the bottom of the cone, enchanted by penny mixed sweets? Have ever ate
chocolate until you felt sick, stuffed with a roast, sponge and custard and then
wanted more treats.
Have you ever just snuggled snug and warm in bed with those
you most love, a moment of safety all secure, dreaming of all the things that
you want - whispering secrets and
muffled laughter all so innocent and
Have you ever challenged the status quo came up with your
own style or just wanted to create? Glue
on your hand a second skin, a picture of superlative paint, ribbons and
stickers, all things that glitter a kaleidoscope colours and things to make.
you ever been elated by a shiny new coin under your pillow and shouted
with joy at the top of your voice, everything all fresh and new? Have you ever experienced such seasons so
simple yet complicated safe in the things that you knew?
It has to be said if you never had these things, a childhood
you have never led. This is just a
sample list and to my mind much has been missed, the memories of innocence, joy
and pain lost in the mist of time.
But It’s
not too late to feel the child within and snatch back some of these carefree
days, for child in you never go away despite the of burden of adult ways.
“That great
Cathedral space which was childhood.” - Virginia Woolf
“There is a garden
in every childhood, an enchanted place where colours are brighter, the air
softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.” - Elizabeth Lawrence
“It is never too
late to have a happy childhood” - Tom Robbins
“Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One
scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood
summer beside a lake in the mountains...” - Diane Ackerman
“Childhood is the
world of miracle or of magic: it is as if creation rose luminously out of the
night, all new and fresh and astonishing” – Eugene Ionesco
“If you carry your childhood with you, you
never become older.” Tom Stoppard
“Jesus said, "Let little children come to
me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as
these." - Matthew19:14
I wanted to say hello and let you know I am wishing you well today and always! I also subscribed to your blog in order to better stay in the loop ~xoxo Sherry
ReplyDeleteHi Sherry thank you for following my blog - had a great weekend dancing in the sun to some very good bands - its part of my doing things that I enjoy - although being very careful to have loads of suncream and stay in the shade with a hat on! Hope your weekend went well.
DeleteHi Sherry thank you for following my blog - had a great weekend dancing in the sun to some very good bands - its part of my doing things that I enjoy - although being very careful to have loads of suncream and stay in the shade with a hat on! Hope your weekend went well.